Phoebe Rides a Beer Bicycle and Meets a War Veteran

Hello, everyone.

So first things first, the finger is healing great, thanks for all the love. I actually think there might be one speckle of mac glass remaining, but I really don’t want any more shots. But like seriously, I don’t want anymore shots. I had two more shots today, to be all immune and healthy and whatever. And I’m just done, okay. If September shot month wants to continue it’s going to have to switch to Tequila, end of story.

So anyway, today I want to flashback to Saturday, when I rode on a 16 person beer-mobile. It was like the Flintstones car met Seattle-hipster-microbrew culture, which I think we can all agree is a hilariously awesome combination. We went for my roomie Katie’s birthday, and I’m telling you, it was a riot. In fact, it was such a riot, I showed my buddy in the Emergency Room these pictures and he showed the attending physician, and bada bing bada boom, all the doctors want to cycle saloon sometime. And naturally I called dibs, because I showed them, and they said I can come. And I get immense satisfaction at the visual of me and the ER docs flinstoning our way from brewery to brewery in Seattle. I wonder if one of them will let me borrow their stethoscope. They better actually invite me.

But dreams aside, here is the cycle saloon


Our Designated Biker


And due to a mild directional mix-up, we might have just taken cabs to stop one- Bad Jimmy’s. Which, based on my swass after pedaling the other links of this cycle saloon, may have been for the best.


And we pedaled from Bad Jimmy’s to Stoup

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the whole gang

the whole gang

And then to Hale’s


And at this particular bar, love was in the air. I mean couples shots were being taken left and right

Katie and Ian

Katie and Ian

Katie and Emma

Katie and Emma

Sam and Thomas

Sam and Thomas

Naturally, I got jealous and wanted one too. So using my extreme wit and charm I scanned Hale’s Ales until I found the perfect man target.

Phoebe and Lee

Phoebe and Lee

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Turns out, my new boyfriend, Lee, is also a World War II veteran, and he is 93 years old. AND he’s freaking hilarious. Like so funny. He made me switch sides for our pictures so that he could show off  his “George Clooney looks.” Which, normally I would be really mad about, but turns out our good sides lined up perfectly, furthering our power couple status. AND GET THIS- He blogs too. He is 93 stinkin years old and blogs. And he has a business card. And he wrote a book.


Best boyfriend I ever did have. Unfortunately, he ordered a sandwich and the Beer Bicycle couldn’t wait for him. So we parted ways, but I read through his blog, and it’s pretty impressive.

So anyway, we hopped back on the brew bicycle for our last link.


And by this point, I was really thinking safety first.

fierce IMG_0374

And we ended and George & Dragon Pub…


That waitress is making CASH MONEY

…which is where I found the second cutest thing to Lee. And by that, I of course mean a buff man and a puppy.



No surprise here, I got real basic, and did this


And I call the next three photos in this series: “Three times that Steffi (on the left) can’t even handle the cuteness of mini-husky-and-Phoebe’s photo shoot”

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And can you blame Steffi? I mean look at us go

so natural

so natural

so fierce

so fierce

And then the birthday girl got in on the adorableness

Ugh, so cute. I'm pulling a Steffi over here

Ugh, so cute. I’m pulling a Steffi over here

And then we went to Volunteer park for a picnic

Also, we were hanging out with a boy band all day, in case you didn't notice

Did I mention we were hanging out with an outfit-coordinating boy band all day?


Because we were

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We've NEVER looked better

We’ve NEVER looked better

And I call this next series of photos, the time that Phoebe was being so rude and so oblivious to Katie and Ian attempting to take a nice couples pic in the park. Sorry guys.

oh, just me in the way

oh, just me in the way

Oh, what? Someone wants to take a picture

Oh, what? Someone wants to take a picture?

Okay, I'm leaning back. TOTALLY out of the way

Okay, I’m leaning back. TOTALLY out of the way. Go for it guys!

Just kidding! Hang on, I forgot my Rainer

Wait, wait. Time out. I forgot my Rainer that I absolutely need to be double fisting right at this very moment

But eventually it all worked out


So, from a great brew-hoppin crew to beer bicycles to boyfriends to buff men and puppies, it was a pretty rad Saturday.

And I would like to take a moment to leave you with an old Irish blessing, “May the road rise to meet you, may the wind always be at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face, and may the Rainier fall softly upon your fields… ”


Have a great Tuesday everybody.



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